This is a very serious topic to write on, but I decided to write on it, to give my perspective on what I feel heritage and inheritance is or should be. According to etymonline.com  heritage is “that which may be inherited,” from Old French iritageeritageheritage “heir; inheritance, ancestral estate, heirloom,” from heriter “inherit,” from Late Latin hereditare, ultimately from Latin heres (genitive heredis) “heir” (see heredity). Meaning “condition or state transmitted from ancestors” is from 1620s.  inheritance on the other hand is from the late 14c., as enheritaunce “fact of receiving by hereditary succession;” early 15c. as “that which is or may be inherited,” from Anglo-French and Old French enheritaunce, from Old French enheriter “make heir, appoint as heir” (see inherit). Heritance “act of inheriting” is from mid-15c.

Heritage unlike inheritance is very broad but my focus is on family heritage and inheritance. Habits, attitudes, traditions, and beliefs that are carried down through the generations within a family are referred to as family heritage. Family inheritance describes the possessions, assets, and things that are passed down within a family across generations or a generation. It encompasses both tangible and intangible assets, such as values, knowledge, and abilities passed down from ancestors.  From my perspective, intangible heritage is what gives inheritance more meaning. I believe that every family should have a heritage, every man as the leader of his family should set a godly heritage for his family and generations yet to come.

The Bible emphasizes the importance of heritage and inheritance. Inheritance was crucial for the Israelites as it determined land ownership and family lineage. The concept of passing down possessions, blessings, and responsibilities from one generation to another is prevalent throughout the Bible. Inheritance as a Blessing*: Proverbs 13:22, states, “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.” This verse highlights the value of leaving behind a legacy of blessings for future generations. In the New Testament, the concept of inheritance extends beyond material possessions to include spiritual blessings. In 1 Peter 1:3-4, believers are said to have “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.” Inheritance through Christ: Christians are considered heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, inheriting the promises of salvation and eternal life. Romans 8:17 gives credence to this, stating, “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.” 

Heritage and inheritance hold great significance and are deeply rooted in cultural traditions and practices in Africa. They are vital in shaping family structures, social relationships, and economic systems across diverse African societies. In many African cultures, inheritance is not limited to material possessions but encompasses intangible assets such as family history, knowledge, and customs. Ancestral heritage, oral traditions, and rituals are passed down from one generation to the next, preserving the cultural identity of communities.  Land inheritance is a prominent aspect of African heritage, especially in agrarian societies. Land is not only a source of economic sustenance but also a symbol of ancestral connection and belonging. Inheritance of land rights and usage is governed by customary laws that vary among ethnic groups. African inheritance often follows a patrilineal or matrilineal system, where descent and inheritance are traced through either the father’s or mother’s lineage. Extended family networks play a crucial role in inheritance arrangements, ensuring the continuity of family ties and obligations. Gender roles and norms influence inheritance practices in Africa. In some cultures, male heirs are prioritized in the distribution of assets, while in others, women have equal inheritance rights. Changing social dynamics and legal reforms are challenging traditional gender biases in inheritance laws. Inheritance can serve as a means of economic empowerment for individuals and families in Africa. Access to inherited resources, such as land, livestock, or business ventures, can provide a foundation for socio-economic mobility and wealth accumulation. Heritage and inheritance in Africa are multifaceted concepts shaped by cultural traditions, family dynamics, gender norms, and socio-economic factors. These aspects reflect the diversity and complexity of African societies, highlighting the interconnectedness between traditions and contemporary challenges in the realm of inheritance.

 In conclusion, having looked at the cultural, spiritual, and historical perspectives of heritage and inheritance. TRUE HERITAGE & INHERITANCE SHOULD BE CHARACTERIZED BY FIVE THINGS; THE FEAR OF GOD, INTEGRITY, POSSESSIONS, BLESSINGS, and RESPONSIBILITIES. To break it down, A father should show his children the way of the lord, a father should engrave in his children discipline, hard work, and uprightness, teaching them to stand for their principles regardless. A father should wisely give his children a Head Start in terms of physical possession as much as they can handle having understood their capacity and capabilities. A father should always bless his children and give them responsibilities as early as possible. I need to state that I am for men and women having equal inheritance rights, if both male and female children pick genetic heritage from their parents they should be part of all other forms of heritage. Just as the Bible teaches that heritage and inheritance are not just about material wealth or possessions but also about spiritual blessings, promises, and responsibilities passed down through generations. inheritance comes with the responsibility of stewardship. A father should teach his children stewardship and skills in managing, growing, and sustaining heritage and inheritance. God encourages us to steward our blessings and resources wisely, as seen in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30. It emphasizes the sustenance of generational heritage.

Published by Emeka obichukwu E.

I am half genius...half serious!I love God! I love Children! Am a lover! I can be spontaneous! I have an infection called ; AWESOME

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